[FREE] Ebook: Wonder Woman- The making-of

(2 avis client)


50-pages PDF covering the whole build. You can purchase the bracer template ici (or get it for free by joining Tier 3 on Patreon).

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2 avis pour [FREE] Ebook: Wonder Woman- The making-of

  1. Studio Creations

    This book is simply amazing. It goes into great detail about the entire build of the Wonder Woman costume. No stone is left unturned. The book drops you immediately into making the corset parts then quickly moves into priming and painting, enhancing details, and finally accessories. The explanations of techniques is very insightful and the reader should be able to replicate the techniques within a couple of attempts. The images in this book are well lit and hi-resolution, which contributes greatly to the instructional value.
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge, Arborlkey!

  2. Ayisha

    This ebook has an amazing amount of free information on it!!
    I extremely helpful, and I really appreciate this being available for free so thank you very much! ?

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