Glass Armour by arborealkey Nov 8, 2016 By Tenhaku.Helper: Shas’OzoThis is the armour that made me. Without this build, I would not be doing what I do today. This costume will always have a special part in my heart. I will build a V2 with a slightly different design.By Yann Champion during Mang’Azur 2017Several props were built (in that order):-Nordic battleaxe-Whiterun shield-Nordic sword-Glass quiver-Glass bowBy Elkashir-san during Hero Festival 2016By Sébastien Gourgouras during Hero Festival 2016By OMarcel during the first edition of Avignon Geek ExpoBy Tenhaku.Helper: Shas’OzoBy JapActuHelper: Shas’Ozo